quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2009

Day 4

Ok. Hm... I woke up at 7am, went coffe, went classes and... THE KOREAN BOY IS SO CUTE! haha. I finally made my interview with him!
After class, I went buy a webcam with Fe. There in the store, the man who sells lought at us, 'couse he said we are crazy.. I don't know why, I think it's becouse my english is sucks... haha
When I got here, I went dinner. After the dinner, i was going to put my place in the local plate cleaner and, like always, talk with Bob like: What's up, bob! He said: I missed u yesterday night, Sonia... than I said: Oh, u remmember my name! He: Sure, u are my girl o'Brasil! HAHAHA, ok!
Well, in the afternoon, i ate in the other food place. There was pinuts 'pasta', strowberry 'pasta', pizza, good salad. OH GOD, i got out rolling of there!
Nothing good to say about today. It is rainning and its SO cold, I cant even go out there!
I'm fool of some girls, already... but fuck it, I'm good here, I'm having fun!! so much fun!
I will go to the partty saturday night with my friends, here in the campus.
I think I will do my homework and sleep now, 'couse I'm so tired and so cold do go down stares.
That's it today =(
Kisses in the ass!!!!!

2 comentários:

  1. Que lindo o Bob!!
    Agora que aí ta frio e chovendo, hoje tá mooo sol e MUITO calor aqui!!!
    E pizza??? Não ia ser só na saladinha??? Hahahaha brinks meu amor!
    To muito feliz por você, que bom que você ta gostando e se divertindo! Depois escreve aqui todos os detalhes dessa festa do sábado, aposto que você vai pegar o korean boy!!!!! HAHAHAHA
    I miss and love u.

  2. E que ÓTIMO que você comprou uma webcam! Assim eu posso te ver xD
