sábado, 7 de março de 2009


When I got here, I didn't expect that this thay would come... and now I see, it came so fast.
Serious, that was the most fantastic experience that i've ever had in all my life. All the thinks that i've learned, all the people that I met and how much I grow up.
If I could stay more months, it would be awsome, but its time to say goodbye, unfortunantly.
Well, i was woke up by Andre, took my suitcases and went do the check out. While I was doing the check out, Maude came... she seemed sad... after this, I went say goodbye to Ho Sup, and Emi. Crazy went down stairs too, and she cryed... me too.
The hardest part was to say goodbye to Ho Sup and Crazy, couse I know that it will be difficult to see them again...
The taxi! SHIT...
Well, I took my last pictures with them: Ho Sup and Crazy with the brasil T-shirt that i gave them! I hold both, said goodbye... and... well, this is the end.
Cindy, Dafne, Karina, Lays, Ho Sup, Maude and Crazy.. EVERYBODY there in the last day.
I will mis them so much.... SO MUCH.

thank u for the travel, mom.

Day 53

Today was Fe's, Paula's and Gabi's time... i just dont need to say how sad it was... I think u can imagine... The next is me...

Day 52

Tiago has gone... I've cryed so much, it was so sad seeing him going.
Well, I thought that day would veber come back, but we are in this moment now, time to say goodbye.

segunda-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2009

Day 49

I am so sad today... everybody is doing the suitcases to go away.. I will really miss these people... This was the best travel of my life!

Today I went to walmart with Dafne, Fe, Maude and the sister and grandmother of Dafne. I bought my apple jacks, froot loops etc... hmmmmm
I dont know if i told u guys, but when the family of dafne came, me and cindy had to prepare a surprise and I had to lock dafne in my room, so we told her a history that Thiago has gone to the jail and the police was entering in all rooms etc... just to keep her in our room. hahahaha
Ok.. yesterday Cindy went to the hospital. It was funny by one side, couse we had to call 911, just becouse she was with high pressure.. So when the ambulance came, there was like 7 mans looking at her and she was trying not to laugh about the situation, but Ze was not helping with. HAHAHAHA. anyway, we went to the hospital and after 2 hours there, the doctyors let us go withou NO medicine. GO FUUUUCK!
There in the hospital, we saw Amy, the japanese girls of ELS.. she broke her finger.

domingo, 22 de fevereiro de 2009

Day 48

I woke up at 2pm. I lost the luch and the breakfast, so me, liana and dafne asked some pizza.
We ate it all (hahaha) than, after dome hours, we went to Publix and bought some smirnoffs, went to donnuts and came back to eckerd.
We decided our night: Go to eckerd's party than go to our friend's birthday.
We went to this eckerd 'party'( if this can be called party)... when we got there, everybody was down, the music was only in a small room and there was NOBODY there, only me and Liana dancing and thying to have some fun (almost impossible in american's partys).
After hours, after we came back to sigma and go again there, it was crowded and a little more confortable and fun. We danced a loooooot but, anyway, we gave up. The americans really dont know how to do a party. I have to introduce them BRASILIAN songs, BRASILIAN patys...
We had this idea there, and decided to come back, take some iPod with Funk and go back there, but nobody here has a iPod with funk, so we had do keep listening the bullshit that they call 'good music'. Anyway, The security AND the police entered in the party! The lucky is that I was outside talking with Cindy, so nothing happened, thanks god.
Now I am here, going to sleep!

Day 47

Today I finally did my fake ID.
We went to Jackson's.. it is a night club in Tampa. It was SOOOO good.
Before we go, I was so down... I did not have clothes to go couse I've already done my suitcase. So I was engry and I almost didnt go. But that I had the brilliant idea to take my skirt and my blause and put together, like a dress. I was ready to go!
Ho Sup was outside of the room with me waiting to me to go. When I was going to the car, he asked me to go together, but I couldn't let him go with me couse the car was not mine... Ok, back... Me, Liana, Dafne, Paulinha and Gabi. everybody in Ryan's car. He is so... big! and cute... anyway, we got in jackson's and we all (girls) was scared about our fake IDs, becouse we could envolve ourselfs with the police. But well, it worked! The security lokked at our fake IDs and didnt say anything and we passed.
Inside was soo crowded. We were in VIP, it is a table in live air... we could drink whatever we wanted but the shit was thet we had to go to the table everytime... like, a group of people, while the others was dancing, took care of the table. When these people came back, the other went dancin'... Ok. There was 4 places of different kinds of music: Latin, RAP, eletronic and dance. In the place of RAP, there was a 'cheese'* and Me and Liana danced all night long in the 'cheese'. HAHAHAHA it was greeeeeeat! I really had a good time there.
One time, when we was in the 'cheese', I was thinking about ho sup, 'couse I left him in eckerd and he wanted to come together... In this EXACTLY time, he appeard behind me! Like... what? how did he get there, u know? hahahaha. It was funny!! I liked soooooo much this night!
When it was 2:45am, the lights turn on and the party was over. I miss Rio, the partys here end sooo early! Oh, one thing that I forgot to say.. we met some brasilian people in jacksons... a guy.. he is so cute, but a little gay! hahahaha. we took his celphone and mabe we will go to other night club in downtown with him.
After Jackson's, we went to some Arabian's house., It was SOOOOOO boring.. we got out of there about 2 hour and a half after. We got in eckerd and this is the end...

*Cheese: Tipo um palquinho com um cano de ferro no meio pra dancar.

sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2009

Day 46

After school, I was in my room, doing nothing. after abiut 2 hours, something made me go out of my room to some reason. I felt like I had to go outside, than I decided to go stay with Cindy or Dafne in eastlodge, also becouse Fe is sick and seh wanted to sleep.
When I got in East Lodge, I passes by Fahad's friend's room. Than Fahad called me and i went back. He told me: say goodbye to me, I am leaving... I dindn't belive at first side, but after ask a lot, I saw taht it was really true, he was leaving... I started to cry, and cry, and cry, and i couldnt stop crying. I swer, I was veeeeeery engry and bad.... That we gave each other a lot of hugs and he gave me also a perfum of chanel. So good smell, to remmember him.
That he has gone and I was crying. Cindy e Dafne made me company....
After this, I saw how difficult will be the last day here. I cant even imagine....

Well, After this, me and the girls did our fake IDs. it is PER-FECT!
We'll try to use it. Good luck for us, 'couse if it doesn't work, we can be arrested.

Day 45

Gabe, me, Fe, Cindy and Crazy went to wallgreens to take our 2x4 picture, but it had onku 2x2. Rhan we came back to dorms and sleeeeeeeeeeept

quarta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2009

Day 44

Yeah, I woke up today VERY sick, coffing and with difficult breath, so I couldnt go to school. I got better at the afternoon so i went to afternoon classes. Tha I went to walmart and when i came back i got worse. My throught was trotally closed and i was coffing so much and it was hurting me a lot inside... shit, im very sick!
I went to the hospital try to do oxigen breath, but they just gave me a little thing to help with breathing air. TOmorrow i have to buy more medicines and i hope i feel better tomorrow...

Day 43

I dont remmember what I did. I forgot to write here.

segunda-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2009

Day 42

Today I woke up at 7am to go shopping: Me, Dafne, Cindy, Andre and Caio.
First we went to Prime mall... BROXANTE how we use to say.
Second, we went to primeum mall. I bought lots of things...
Than we went eat in BRASILIAN restaurant. It was sooooo exciting. When we got there, everybody was speaking portuguese and I felt home for a moment. In the TV was passing "Mulheres apaixonadas" on Globo. I ate RICE and BEANS and FAROFA and CHICKEN and POTATOES.. It was so good, oh my gosh! I think it was the best luinch i have ever had in my hole life!
Than, afetr this we went to Florida's mall. There, I bought my Zippo and my iPod.
Than we came home. In the car was so funny, we just couldn't stop laughing... Like in the restaurant, we was so happy, we was just saying bullshits.. everybody had fun... But I still thinking that there was something in our food.. hahahaha

Day 41

Me, Dafne, Cindy, Liana and Fe went to many places around and than, at night, we went eat in a family's restaurant. There, we were waiting our dinner when 3 dragqueens entered in the restaurant. Oh gosh, It was hilarious and I couldn't keep my laugh inside... hahaha
After we came back and more night, I went to Hosup's room to the party. Banana was SOOOOOOOOOO drunk, and we took a lots of pictures of his ass. HAHAHA
I slept in Dafne's room...

sábado, 14 de fevereiro de 2009

Day 40

Today I lost the time to go to the mall with school bus. I stayed here, breakfast and than we went to Dafne's room. We had some conversation... After this, we went to starbuck 'couse i was with desire to drink vanilla with strawberry. After, we went to japanese restaurant and than we went to the beach, in the night. It was SO good... We had so muck fun, lought a lot and we all had a good time together: me, Dafne, Cindy, Fe and Liana. Today is Valentine's day, so happy valentine's day for everybody!!!!! (I wish u were here...) Thats all folks!

This are being the best days EVER on ELS! You know, I am loving this... My friends that I am sure that i will not lose contact.... Dafne, Fe, Liana and Cindy. Oh, I don't want to come back to Brasil, but I want it.... It's difficult.
I'm trying to enjoy every single second, 'couse I dont have much more days here unfortunantly.

Day 39

Today we should have had a party in Eckerd, but when we got there, we saw that the party was some drunk people with bad music and not crowded. I was so angry about this...
After a few times, Gabi called us and said that this party was getting better. So we came back there and have fun, even with the drunk boring people and the bad music that was no loud enought to a party. But, anyway, me Liana and Ho Sup danced in the table. It was SOOOO funny! hahahahaha.
Ho Sup was toooottaly drunk and I blame myself, 'couse I had the chance, but I did not rec this!
Well, that's all today!

Day 42

Today I lost the time to go to the mall with school bus. I stayed here, breakfast and than we went to Dafne's room. We had some conversation...
After this, we went to starbuck 'couse i was with desire to drink vanilla with strawberry. After, we went to japanese restaurant and than we went to the beach, in the night.
It was SO good... We had so muck fun, lought a lot and we all had a good time together: me, Dafne, Cindy, Fe and Liana.
Today is Valentine's day, so happy valentine's day for everybody!!!!!
(I wish u were here...)

Thats all folks!

quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2009

Day 37

Today is Gabi's birthday!
I gave her some presents xD
One plastic dick, one loly pop saying "Let's fuck", other with dick formate and a dick taht grows in the water.
U might be asking WHY i gave so many dicks to her... But its secret between us. HAHAHA
The most funny was when I went buy it. Dafne went with me and she was loughing and I was totally serious. The mans was normal but obviouslly they said something after we get out of the store xD

Today I had a discution with Ho Sup and I am very angry and upset.

terça-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2009

day 36

This is the most sad day of my life here!
My fish died. My 2 fishes on real. I've changed the water of the aquario and they had no air and they started to swim fast, round and the eyes started to be purple and big, and seem it would explode. I was desperate and sad, than I started to make boils of air in the water but it did not work, i SAW they dieing. So i did a funeral near the tree. i put them and put a stone beside wrote: R.I.P., Bob and Marley.
Oh shit, i am a bad mom.

Day 35


Day 34

We had barbecue... I was with my skateboard and decided to hold in Si's car... i passed in a 'boeiro' and felt down.. everybody saw, it was funny.
Than after this, i held again in the car and we went to the barbecue on the beach. i rec this.

sábado, 7 de fevereiro de 2009

Day 33

I woke up at 9, went take some breakfast and than me and Fe, with other students went to Florida state fair. It was good, but there was so many animals in a little 'jaula' and it was NOT nice at all...
Well, I bought 3 posters and I played 2 games: In one of these, I won a Sponge Bob's ball, ikn the other I won two real fishes, that I named Bob and Marley. They are so cute, I hope they don't die becouse of the oxigen...
After this, we came back to eckerd and had dinner at main caffeteria, but I did not eat. I went with my parents, sister and Andre's family to a japanese restaurant.
Than I came back to eckerd again. Dafne and Cindy went to downtown Tampa, to have fum WITHOUT me and Fe, and we stayed here in Ze's barbecue aniversary party. It was good, but it was cold too... Than it starded being boring, Liana went back home and Me & Fe came back to our room, now I am here.
That's why I really miss Brasil....

Day 32

Today me, Gabe, Dafne, Paulinha e Fe went to 'First saturday Florida', here in St.Pete. It was cold, and boring, 'couse we could not enter in the partys or pubs. Than we came back to eckerd and played guitar hero, than we went sleep.


( just remmember the case of Bruninho, the drunk 16TEEN who went to the hospital)

quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009

Dia 31

One month alredy!!!!!!!!!!
Last weekend I went to MIAMI and Orlando with my parents and brothers!!!!! It was good couse we went to many places but we had many discutions. Anyway, These days i have been studyed and olnly. Now there are so many different new students here and I am in 107 advanced level!
That.s all! I painted my hair again and I want to do one nose piercing but i dont know if i do or not ~couse my mom will be angry with me.

domingo, 1 de fevereiro de 2009

Day 26*

I forgot to write abou day 26, so I will write now.
I passed! I was in intermedium and passed do advanced!!! level 107! HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!!
Well, it has rained all day long... The weather was like Rio in winter. SOOO good =)
Yes.. before take the results, we had graduation to people who passed to expert, 109 and beyond.
In graduation, i've recived a premium of most electric person of the capus xD And after this, I sand a little part of 'the phantom of the opera'. I was SO nervous that I couldn't sing all the music. hahaha.
After this we went lunch.. It had japanese food but i did not get it becouse it was so crowded... fuck! So, that's it. I think i made a mistake with the days here.... hahahaha. I think this day is Friday and the other is Saturday. Now I am in sunday, so... that's it!


sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2009

Day 28

I just woke up and walked directly to the car. We was going to MIAMI.
I don´t know... this is my diary and I have to register whatever I wat to here. So... I don´t know... I think I was better in ELS than here with my parents. The problem is not my mother ´couse she is the only reason why I am liking to be here.. But all the time I fight with my sister and my father is always angry.. and i did not came here to fell something like this. When he is angry, I feel sick inside, like, I don´t want to stay here. But when my mother is angry, I dont know why, I feel like something different. I mind, but I dont feel sick inside, becouse I am VERY happy to be here with HER. only HER. I thing thst I need a longer time without all this pressure. But see my mom, really calm me down. I feel safety with her and i like to see her smille and I really like when I see that she is havimg a good time or when I see her laughing.. But I´m full of some things that I had almost forget. But my family made me remember. I know that its a family and asll the familys have your desagrees and fight, but I really dont need it now,~´couse i am having a good time here, a new life.. and, honestly, I dont miss home... the only thing thst i reslly miss is my friend and My MOTHER more than everything.... Everything passes in my mind now.... I think I csnt hold on, Im full and I feel like a child who needs your mom to hold in the arms and make u dont feel afraid of nothing.

Ok.... today we went see MIAMI INK but it was closed, can u belive it. SHIT.

Day 27

My mother, father and sister came to ELS to visit me snf I sm goin´ to Miami with them.
They brought me my sktboard and I was so happy to see them all. So, me and my family and andre´s family has gone to Orlando. One hotel that I used to be when i was a child and came to disney....
Well, Yesterday has rained a lot. it was so good!
Ok. in Orlando, we went to downtown disney. A biiiiig plasce with disney stores. So exciting.
Ok, that´s all. kiss


quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009

Day 25

Today was the final test. I'm scared, i dont have idea if I did a good job or not... well, whatever. Me and Fe went to wall mart to but shampoo, soap, food etc... And it is having a barbecue near the beach but I won't go, 'couse I did not pay it and it is rainning, its better staying here.
Tomorrow I will see my parents and mu brothers... I am exciting about it!
Tomorrow morning, have the graduation... That's all!

Day 24

why so boring? I hope the next days come better. I will do a fake I.D. and try to go out tonight, met Tampa's night! It's all too stop. I want ACTION!

terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2009

Day 23

AT DINNER ROOM: We met some old wife 'n woma and we had a pretty good conversation. She is english teacher and she talk spanish too. She look my grandmma' Ida. hahaha.
Than I came back to my room. I was listenin ou lought music with the door open. My room is more funny like this, 'couse everytime, everybody enter to talk etc... Anyway.
Nothing so special today.

3 days! :D

domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2009

Day 22

I woke up at 10am, got breakfast and than I went to St.Pete beach with Ka. When we got there, we had to pay 6$ hour to get a chair with sun-umbrella. We've stayed there for 2 hours, took some pictures etc... The water was sooooo cold but he weather was good. A little bit cold, but that's ok! When we was goin' out of the beach, we met a little girl and she was talking with us SOOO fast and guess what?! I DID understood everything! When I told her that we were from Brasil she said: Oh, my mother told me that in Brasil, the womans use fake boops to feel better on the beach. And me, ka and her brother started to laugh ou lought! HAHAHAHAHA. So funny!
She told me thet her family is all from Russia, except her.
After this, I came back to ELS, ate and slept. I was sleeping so good, when the MOTHERFUCKER of hosup came and woke me up! I became sooo stress with him, but he had already gone, thanks god!
I didn't do my homework yet... I will sleep and maybe I do it tomorrow!
Kisses for u all, guys

Day 21

.... Today's news!I went to Busch garden, there is like a paradise. Big and fast rollercoasters, a lot of animals and nature... it was sooooo good. I went to a 4D film, 5 different rollercoasters and etc.When we came back, EVERYBODY has recived a note, remmembering the rulles of ELS, like: so not smoke in the room, do not make noise after 11pm, do not let homestays sleeping in your room for more than 2 days, if u are under 21 years ld, do not drink and blablabla. It was horrible, 'couse everybody has recived the same thing but nobody explained nothing about to us.And than there is no party today. Nothing, absolutelly NOTHING to do today. The night is beeing so boring. A few minutes behind, I was with my arabians neighberhood talking and smoking narguila, but i am tired and came sleep.My 2 friends are sick and there's nothing I can do about... just pray.Ok, that's all. I hope tomorrow became a better day.Oh, I almost forgot... I didn't have dinner today, so I went eat on triton's pub, here into eckerd college... I ate with Fe and there was like, 3 mans playing guitar hero with guitar, bass, drums and voice. i sang 2 musics and Andre played bass and drums and guitar... It was cool! Guitar Hero remembers me Gut and Dan.That's all today. kiss kiss kiss kiss

Day 20

I am a survivor!Today in Stan's class, a police man went talk a little bit about his job. He was so sexy. Blond, blue eyes, like a rocker! hahahaIt was a different school's day.After the class, people went shopping but i did not go. shit.Night: there was a party in Caio's room. I became crazy and it was so good. I've smoked narguila with arabians, my neighbergoods. Than I came back to my room and slept.My room is becoming a hotel. Ka and Hosup had slept here!Ohh, I forgot. when I got out of the party, 2 big security mans went to see if there was underages drinking, and they asked us to stop with the music.Wait for the next day's news.....

quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2009

Day 19

Almost 20!

Today everything goes wrong! To start, I couldn't go to class, 'couse I had a really bad headache. I could'nt open my eyes or talk. But it got better and I went to the 2 last classes. In the last, I've recived my grade... THE WORSE EVER! 1.0, its like 50! I almost died!
But one good thing: I went to Dali's museum! It was fantastic. He was a genious!! totally!

quarta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2009

Day 18

COLD! -1grauC! FUCK!
I almost lose the travel to bush garden, 'couse there was no more space in the bus, but somebody gave up and I pay mine. HIHIHIHI WEEEEEE *-*

I did a Skype and called to 2 friends and my mother! I am so happy about it =)
That's all guys! Kisses

terça-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2009

Day 17



segunda-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2009

Day 16

Yesterday: Ping pong's party!

Today: I woke up at 1:30pm, it was SO good! And than I went shopping with cella, vicky, dafne, le e suica. I bought a loooot of things andin the end, my card did not pass any more. HAHAHA.
Now I'm going to the pub with Fe and after I will do my homework and sleep, becouse tomorrow there's school. KISSES!

domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2009

Day 15

Today I did NOTHING. I woke up, went take some breakfast, came back and plec. plec. plec.
Nothing to say about!
Later, I will watch some film with Fe, do mu homework and.. SLEEP!

Kisses everybody! Today we had SUN here! haha

sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2009

Day 14

Well, today was the Universal studios trip. Me and Fe tought that it would be at 11am. At 9am, somebody was kicking our door and screaming: HURRY! So I jumped of the bad, put some dress, brushed my teeth and run to the bus. HAHAHAHA. The bus was waiting for us like 30 min.
Getting there, we had do chose or Universal Studios, or Ilands of Adventure. Me and fe choose Ilands of adventure. We went to Hulk's rollercoaster, Jurassic Park and SOOOME other places. SUPERFUCK! hahahaha. 30 min. before the end, we went eat some thing. We ate some desgusting food, like meal and cheese. I took off the meal and I ate only bread with cheese and onion rings. HIHIHI =D Yulll....
Than we was late and I tought we would lose the bus, so we run ALL THE PARK to get in the bus on time. We was late, yes, but we was not the only one. So we've waited the others and came back to campus.
Now, me Fe and Hosup are going to the Campus's pub, play something and than we will wash our clother and sleep!
That's it! Kisses

Day 13

This post star especially for 2 friends: Ni and Biba!
HAHAHAHAHA. I'd remembered you both today. O.A thing, you know how it works.. haha... hahahaha. I miss u

Ok. Yesterday, ping pong's room party! It was so cool, music, people... I've danced with the arabians again. Everybody was so craaaaaazy and I was laughing about it, 'couse I was normal. Hahahahaha. In the end of the party, when I went sleep, I entered in my room and Hosup was waking up Fe, to help him find the racouns! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. She was so angry with him because he was drunk and didn't shut up the fuckin' mouth!
That's it guys, kisses.

quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2009

Day 12

Today it's so cold! I am HATING this weather! Tomorrow I will buy some clothes bcous I brang only hot clothes...
Well, class like always and after class I did another massage in Hosup (so pra constar e eu nao esquecer, haha) and we've had studyed together in the room. I took a shower and we went dinner, but Hosup had to go home cause his fake mother was waiting for him here.
We ate, I had some converstion with bob and I came back to my room, did my homework and i did not study for the test tomorrow... Fuck up.
Now I will sleep and I hope that I have some good news to you by this days, but you all have to cooperate, 'cause he asians are so slow. HAHAHAHA
That's it, it is so cold and i NEED to go to my bad because my fingers are freezing!
Kiesses, bye!

One important OBS.: Today is the friendship day in my class, so I have to put here the names of the most important people in the world por me, minimum 10. Here we go:
Louiza, Flavio, Sharon, Bruno, Daniela Kessel, Biba, Natalia Ferraz, Alice SObel, Rafaela Stambowsky, Larissa Barat, Nicoli, Dan, Andre Loyola.

quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2009

Day 11

Afetr we go to school and have dinner, we went to 'bonfire marshmellow'. There, I had dances with de Arabians and Coreans, it was a good night. We drank some beer and ate some marshmellow and smoke some narguila. Everybody was so exciting and happy. It was cold but we were dancing (with arabians) so it didn't metter so much. After this, we came back to our rooms. Hosup will sleep here again and now, at thin exactly moment, he is doing his homework. OOOH, SO BORING!
Yeah, now I will gonna sleep after I put my pictures in the Orkut!
So, good night everybody, Hosup is too slow.

Oh, I almost forgot!! I did massage in Hosup and tomorrow, if I do it again, he'll pay me 1 dolar! HAHAHAHAHA

terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2009

Day 10

I was pretty good in the test today!!!!
Today's morning had started to rain. In the lunch, we went to the another caffeteria and in the midle of the lunch, it started to rain stronger and stronger and more! And we was needing to go back 'couse we had test. While we was waiting, me Fe end Hosup, we told to each other funny historys about our childhood. Hosup told us that when he was a child, he went up stairs in the kitchen's chair and his mom was bringing the dinner to the kitchen's table and he said, walking: 'Mom, give me a huuug', so he felt down and get in coma for 3 hours. OOOOK, just to telling you guys =D
Well, when the rain has stoped, we get out and come running to do the test and it started to rain strong again, than we arrived totally wet.
After this, we did the test and Hosup, Fe, some japanese that I don't know the name came to our room to stay here for an hours, 'couse they will play soccer... in this moment exactly, we will go there to watch it. Well, we came back from wall mart about 15 minutes ago. Me and Fe by bus and Hosup and the other Japanese by bicycle. We got lost of the guys and we've arriver first. So, now, I will go see the fuckin' soccer and than make my homework.

segunda-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2009

Day 9

Almost 10!

Tomorrow I will have test, so I will be fast, I have to study.
Like always, class at morning. I'm on period, so I am feeling sick, pain in all body... But that'sok!
After the class, we almost went to Hard Rock, bout we didn't, so we went to a Pub into the eckerd college and had played some snuuker, me, Saul, Fe and Hosup. Then Saul needed to go...
After this, we went dinner but before, me and Fe weited Hosup's fake grandmother. He went away, we ate and now, after my shower, am here.
Nothing cool today =( aff....

domingo, 11 de janeiro de 2009

Day 8


Today me, fe and hosup woke up at 10:00am. We had some breakfast in the other caffeteria. One OBS.: HOSUP EATS A LOT!! OH GOD! LIKE: Eggs, bacon, bread, cereal, juice, chiken, waffles, fruit, cheese and blablabla and he is so skinny! WHYYY GOD? WHY??????? hahaha

After this, we came back and Hosup went shopping with the rest of the group. I didn't go becouse I didnt pay it and I need to study..
Everibody've hade gone to this shit and me'n fe became alone here. We tried to go to the swimmingpool but it was closed and we couldn't swim. So we came to our rooms.. When people came back, we was down stares having some conversation, than I heard somebody callind me. When I looked behind.... HOSUP! OH GOD! hahahahaha
But I give up, he is so old. She always call me 'baby', fuck.
Well, he set with us and showed us all the thing that he bought. HE BOUGHT A JACKET AND HE IS SO SEXY WITH IT! hihi.

That's it, today was boring boring boooring, bye!!!!!!!

Day 7

We woke up at 9:30 and we went to Sea World, SO FAR AWAY from here! I slept in the bus.
When we got there, we went to a big rollercoaster... 2 on real. 1 is with water. We went eat something becouse we didnt have breakfast. Than we went to see Walrus's show. It was SOOOOO cool. We were a group with 5 girls, 3 arabians. It was funny all day long. We always choose some of this people to be our guide, that we called 'diriger'. hahahaha. We got lost a lot of times but that's OK. I didn't see the whale 'couse her show was at 5:30, the same time of the end of the travel =(
I took a lot of pictures that I put in my orkut's album.
When I got here, I took a shower and thank I found Hosup downstares and we went drink in the ping-pong's room with the koreans. After this, we went to the beach and (have had) played some game called 'I've ever never'. It was cool. After this we came back to dorms and Hosup went to his friend's room. There was a party there. So me and Fe set in the table and had a conversation. 20 min. later, Hosup came and talk with us... He slept here, becouse he is in a homestay and he had no place to sleep. He looks like a baby sleeping... hihihi.
And that's it =) We talked A LOT of english yesterday!

Kisses and kisslors

sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2009


We dance funk, black music etc...
I drank beer and one shot of wisky but I AM ok.
Everyboody was dancing andscreaming and singing. It was the best day here!!!
That's all, becouse hosup is not here.


Day 6

We learned today: Thanks God It's Friday!
HAHAHAHAHAHA and when the teacher say TGIF, the class answer: YEEEEEEEAH!!!!!!
So funny! hahahahaha
Well, Today, between classes, I talked a lot with Hosup. We talked about coldplay and he sowed some koren's musics. I think i am liking him... hahahahaha oh god, i really have strangers tastes. Punks, Hippies and now ASIANS! HAHAHAHA
Well, afetr school, I went to Ellenton Mall.. I think I bought the all place! Hahaha.. 3 boots, 2 all stars, 2 pants, a cookie(hihi), a BEAUTIFULL choe heel.... OK MOM DONT KILL ME PLEASE!
Than we came back and when we arrived here, we went to have dinner, but... IT EAS CLOSED! OH MY GOD, NO FOOD? everybody became crazy! We went to the another restaurant but it was closed too... so we called to dominno's pizza =)
After we have our delicious dinner, I went talk with some Chileans.... I taste some Florida's beer.. hihihihi. Itaipava is better xD
Now I'm in my room and an hour, I'll go down stares to the Ping-Pong's room... Will have a partty there and I am so exciting, couse TGIF!!!!!!!!!!

[Hosup is not here =(]

quinta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2009

Day 5

Like always, wake up at 7, went to school and blabla.
Well... after the class, I went to de beach with some Koreans and the cute one. When we got there, We took some photos (in my album). There, Me and Hosup (Yoo) sit and have a conversation. SO LONG conversation.
We talked about our life in our countrys. In his country, if he do something wron in the scool, the teachers hit him in the ass.. yes, so wierd. He asked me how to say 'I love you' in potuguese. He lerned me how to say in Korean but I almost forgot. He asked about my ex boy... ITS A START! hahaha. than I asked him about her ex, he told me that he dont miss her, that he wants to have another life here... THERE IS ANOTHER STAR! Well, I am almost there!
Thene we came back to campus. Wen we got here, we sit together in the dinner's table and we talked more and more. And after the dinner, more and more! Oh god!
He told me that I am so young, but it is not a problem for him, becouse I look older. THAT'S ANOOOOTHER START! Ok... hahaha. Now, he went play soccer and I came to mu home... Tomorrow we'll go together travel around the city. Not just he and me... but it's ok. HAHAHA.
I am waiting Fe to take a shower becouse I said Bob Marley that I would bw down stares at 9pm. Kisses in the ass, pray for me!

quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2009

Day 4

Ok. Hm... I woke up at 7am, went coffe, went classes and... THE KOREAN BOY IS SO CUTE! haha. I finally made my interview with him!
After class, I went buy a webcam with Fe. There in the store, the man who sells lought at us, 'couse he said we are crazy.. I don't know why, I think it's becouse my english is sucks... haha
When I got here, I went dinner. After the dinner, i was going to put my place in the local plate cleaner and, like always, talk with Bob like: What's up, bob! He said: I missed u yesterday night, Sonia... than I said: Oh, u remmember my name! He: Sure, u are my girl o'Brasil! HAHAHA, ok!
Well, in the afternoon, i ate in the other food place. There was pinuts 'pasta', strowberry 'pasta', pizza, good salad. OH GOD, i got out rolling of there!
Nothing good to say about today. It is rainning and its SO cold, I cant even go out there!
I'm fool of some girls, already... but fuck it, I'm good here, I'm having fun!! so much fun!
I will go to the partty saturday night with my friends, here in the campus.
I think I will do my homework and sleep now, 'couse I'm so tired and so cold do go down stares.
That's it today =(
Kisses in the ass!!!!!

terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2009

Day 3

Yes, another day. Another wierd day.
I woke up at 7am with a bitch headache and went down stares to have some breakfast. Today I ate WAFFLES with a kind of honey. I was so boring today morning.
Well, my first class today was with Teacher Debby. She has red hair and BROWN teeths, green eyes. She is skinny and funny. In this class, I had do do a interview eith some person of another country. I did with Yoo Ko Hanye, from Tokio. He is so nice, so shuggy(that's how we say 'fofo' here) and... ok, STOP SONJA!
He has startes. He made me so much questions, like... Whats your name, and where are u from, what is your favourite colour, if i smoke and things like that. He asked mu type of blood. In the start, I did'nt understand why this strage question... than he explained me that they belive that u can know aboud personality from blood. SOOO COOL! Than the class over and i couldn't do my inerview, than teacher told me to do tomorrow before class... Me and Yoo will sit morning tomorrow to do tha homework, hahahaha. After this class, we had conversation class, with teacher Morgan. She is SO beautifull! She is a nice person. In this class, i sit with arabian boy and the work was feels like a men and tell why mens are better than womas. Those who was womans had to talk about being better than girls. It was SO fun. I liked a lot my new arabian friend (relax mom, he is ugly. haha)
After this class we went eat again.
After this, I had class with Steven. He is fat, white hair, use glasses and he is cool. He was the man who made the interview with me yesterday. In this class, Yoo and me had really construtive conversations. Oh, he is so nice(again). Oh goshy!!
When we went out of this class, we went to a film class... And guess what?! I SLEPT! yes, I slept becous it was cold and dark and calm... hahaha. In the midle of the film, teacher stoped the film and Fe(my roomate) woke me up.. than we went to a vocabulary class and over.
After the class, I took the campus's bus and went to wallmart, finally!
When i got there, me and Fe was looking for something cheap. AND WE FOUND IT! hahaha
I bought some clothes, some dunnuts and pringles, some orage juice, some CD's and one gum. We had a our and a half to buy things. When we got out, the bus had leave us there. We call a taxi, but when we was calling, the bus arrived to take the lost people to the campus. hahaha it was funny.
When I got here, I had a conversation with Bob and came to my room. I don't know, I'm down today... I think i am missing so much rio. Here is so much good, but i miss my friends, my parents, my brothers, my house, the beach, emporio(haha yes mom)....
Okay, let's stop, It's me to having fun or not? Okay... hm....
I went to my room, I did not finished my homework yet but when Fe arrives here again she'll help me to finish. I cleaned my room (will rain), i took a shower and now I'm here, listening my Mozart CD that i bought today. I'm alone, I'm sad, I want and I dont wanna go home.. But the 'I DONT wanna go home' is stronger, he wins. hahaha
Ok, that's is. Not much intresting but I promisse you that I will star doing more crazy things!
Bye bye for everybody who is reading this bleh.

Kisses in the ass!

Well, the food here, sometimes is really good. But I will start to eat ONLY salad, becouse the salad here is so delicious. No more chiken, i became vegan today.
Ig I continue to eat how I am eating, i will come back rolling to Rio. JUST LIKE A ROLLING STONE!

segunda-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2009

Day 2

I woke up at 7am, went cofee and, whatever... after this, I did my test of redation, vocabulary and conversation, tomorrow I'll see the results.
My class had finished at 1pm, than I went eat. There on the 'food place', I met a guy that is so much simillar of Bob Marley. He is so much funny, and he use a cook hat. We talked a lot and I asked him to take off his hat, so he told me that he could do this at 8.30pm. When the time came, I just saw him WITHOUT the hat. He have DREADS. SO MUCH long dreads. Oh goshed!!!!!!!!!
30 minutes before the dinner, i entered in the 'food place' to take some orange juice and the cooker said screeming out lought: SYUDENTS CANNOT BE HERE BEFORE 6O CLOCK!
Than I said: Ok stressed lady, I am getting out.
Comig back to bob marley's twin....
We took pictures with him and i went walk with my new friends around tge campus. When we was in the streets of campus, we entered in a student car. There was 2 boys in front of, driving. They were sobers, dont worry.. hahaha
We asked if they could bring us back to ELS, than we went around, met some guys and they brang us back. They invited us to a partty saturday night. Will we go?? Tan tan tan.. Who knows? HAHAHA
Well.. than we got here. Banana is my other new friend. He is from Japan, Tokio. He is SO MUCH funny... he is learning how to say thing in portugese, like... puta(hi), vagabunda(bye), eu quero dar o cu(I'm hungry), chupa meu pau(how are u?) and things like that.
Well, today is only this... TOmorrow I bring more news!
Kisses in the ass, bye (it's how we say here)

Day 1

I will write someday...